Fully Insulated Wire
HeatproofFlexibilityLower Cost
Fully Insulated Wire
HeatproofFlexibilityLower Cost

At the beginning of 2003, the transformer professional association of ZVEI (German Electric Electronics Manufacturers Association) initiated DKE (German Electric Power Electronics Information Technology Association) to form K413 working group, in which AK 413.0.1 working group is composed of enameled wire winding and transformer manufacturers. The organization to develop the package winding wire, this enameled wire surface with high pressure level, zero fault insulation layer. The performance of this Fully Insulated Winding Wires must be in accordance with the provisions of IEC 60950 U and IEC 61558-1 K for Single, Double and Triple directional insulation requirements for damaged and extruded winding wires. At the same time, testing, describing and regulating the use of winding wires is also one of the tasks of the AK 413.0.1 team. Small power transformers, converters and power plugs will benefit from this development. FIW enameled wire will be able to meet the requirements of small diameter, strict distortion radius, thermal resistance and flexibility than insulating sleeves or extruded insulated wire, providing an opportunity for a new round of industrial production.