The test condition for
FUE according to IEC
60950 Annex U voltage

Testing Equipment

  1. For reinforced insulation used in ITE equipment is to use the appropriate test voltage as specified in the electric strength tests, in the Standard for Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1, or 3000 V rms, whichever is greater;
  2. For reinforced insulation used in medical equipment is to use the appropriate test voltages as specified in the dielectric strength tests, Standard for Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1: General Requirements for Safety, UL 60601-1, or 3000 V rms, whichever is greater;
  3. For basic or supplementary insulation is to use the appropriate test voltage as specified in the electric strength tests, in UL 60950-1, or 1500 V rms, whichever is greater.

Remark :
The Second Edition of IEC 62368-1 has been published in early 2014 and nearly future (about 2020) this edition will replace the current safety standards for information and communications technology equipment (60950-1) and consumer electronics (60065). Since IEC 62368-1 is a new standard and not a simple merger of IEC 60065 and IEC 60950-1 it is important for manufacturers to prepare for the new standard and its hazard-based and performance-oriented approaches compared to the more prescriptive approach of the existing legacy standards.